Monday, September 24, 2012

How bleaching teeth using natural products

To keep your teeth white you should be cleaned daily with toothpaste, but many are ignoring this, if you are of those those too lazy, here are natural ways to become white teeth.

1. Chocolate covered strawberries
There are a number of research suggests that the strawberry fruit that would make your teeth white, especially if covered with chocolate because of the layer of cocoa that could be acting as the bacteria, but be careful not to exaggerate the layer chocolate so as not to cause the sugars in injury caries .

2. Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium bicarbonate helps remove stains on the teeth, but because excessive use can cause harm tooth enamel, it is recommended using toothpaste containing bicarbonate, but the amount of thought and tested and that will not cause damage to the enamel.

3. Vinegar and lemon
Sometimes uses lemon and vinegar together, but in reduced quantities, to whiten teeth, because if vinegar and lemon used together in large quantities and focused will cause damage to enamel, but this is advised that used in diluted quantities.

4. Fruit
There are a range of crunchy fruit that in the process of rubbing the teeth Layer operate indirectly on cleanliness, apples, pears, and plums.

5. Cheese
Helps cheese, as well as milk and yogurt, to eliminate stains teeth, as it eliminates decay because it contains mineral salts, calcium and phosphorus.


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