Sunday, September 23, 2012

How do you get rid of the rumen without exercises

Filled the commercial market with many products that you think that it has the ability to help you in getting rid of obesity in the abdominal area without making any effort, but what is not learned that these products may pose a risk to your health, and the reality is that they do not benefit, however, we'll give you ways to get rid of the rumen without exercise.

1. Do not neglect breakfastMeal importantly, According to his Recent scientific research, proved to be avoided eating breakfast specifically, tend to eat how much more food the rest of the day, or the rhetoric of eating small meals between meals throughout the day, to make up for feeling hungry that they feel as a result of neglect and Breakfast .

2. Drink plenty of waterMembers water wetted from the inside, making it better-functioning, and help the body burn more calories easily, and this improves the metabolism.

3. Eating fresh naturalRich in fruits and vegetables, lots of natural vitamins, minerals and food, preferably fresh addressed in order to help the body perform its vital functions better.

4. Do not over-cook your foodIt is always said that the best raw food to digest food well cooked, and the foods when over-cooked they lose their natural enzymes that exist and thus lose their usefulness.

5. Eating in a gradualDo not be rushed while eating, but allow yourself to take your time to chew food well before swallowing, so as to give a chance to your brain that feeling of fullness, and also facilitates the work of the stomach in digestion.

6. Move muchPrefer to move much, and this is the best way to get rid of the rumen or fat anywhere in the body, especially the abdomen.


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