Sunday, September 23, 2012

How to restore your shoes to a new state


What we mean is not sutured boot, but re-imbued with the same color to get back to the state that bought them, a step that is not important to do a lot, but are necessary if color shoe began to change no longer succeed him quick cleaning.

1. Initially using a clean cloth to remove dust from the surface of the shoe and anointed.
2. Clear a good shoe brush dedicated to it (made of horsehair often).
3. Start now developing dye polishing small pieces on the shoe and a piece of cotton cloth and then move your hands in a circular shape so that it can cover the surface of the shoe are incomplete. And be careful not to exaggerate the amount of dye on canvas piece.
4. Make sure that the dye reaches the internal parts of the folds of the shoe.
5. Leave the shoe to dry well of the dye, and to be sure of it, put it in the sun or under a hot fireplace, for 2 to 3 minutes. This will help the dye to seep good shoes well Vimitsa after it dissolves completely.
6. Spray the boot using water sprays to become covered with a layer of dew, and then clean it again using the same brush or a piece of cloth that you used in the previous step.
7. Repeat again steps 2 to 6 to reach the degree of gloss you want to be your shoes.
8. Keep paint moist while you use it to boot, the water will keep it to be able to distribute it well on the shoe, and for this you have to use spray throughout the anointed of the shoe.
9. After you're done, then polishing the shoe and a piece of cotton dipped in cold water, and as the skin has a smooth texture, you'll find that step made your shoes shine more.
10. After boot dries a bit, use one of the women's socks and light to finalize, this will help you to get a greater sheen, but if you find the shoe too much dried up, the use of some of the spray water to wet a little bit.
11. Memorize your shoes in a cool room or in the shade to dry, and you can protect them in a box has a lid.
12. If you need to use for the shoes urgently, wipe it with a cloth of silicon, this will help you get a quick gloss, but it does not last for a long time.


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