you're having trouble with your spending ways, or always shocking end
confounded by until the middle of the month to have to borrow from
friends and relatives, here are some tips that may reduce the
1) in the first must recognize profligate, and considers it usually ugly must be disposed of, recognition of the first steps of treatment.
2) If you are fond of buying things always remember that you end up convicted.
3) I promise yourself and those close to you that you would stop spending lavishly.
4) Set yourself the amount of money you want to be saved, a This will help you not to spend.
5) Place the part of the confused, half or quarter, in one of the banks do not even approaching him.
6) Buy only what you need and do not conduct random purchasing not useful.
7) Record what you spending it and intend to buy it in a small code to regulate the procurement process.
8) Do not carry a lot of money while shopping.
9) Think of the consequences of overkill in the future, you will be able to marry or moving out of the family home .. Etc..
10) if it succeeds in saving the amount of money not spent the whole, just by taking a small amount of it to celebrate your achievement to go to a fancy restaurant or other places.
11) If you find yourself bankrupt does not borrow from them and make this bankruptcy lesson for you so do not go overboard in the future.
12) Use paper money when rates rather than credit card until you feel spending more realistic.
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