of us would like to shed the limelight among his friends what drives
some to the prosecution and lying to get it, but the result comes
counterproductive alienated others of it, here are some tips that will
enable you to reveal your personality real wonderful without resorting
to crooked ways.
1) acted normally in the presence of others, there is no need to pretend, just to get the satisfaction of others accept what you are disadvantages and advantages.
1) acted normally in the presence of others, there is no need to pretend, just to get the satisfaction of others accept what you are disadvantages and advantages.
2) listened with interest to what they do say as this would give the speaker a sense of comfort when you are.
3) admitted responsibility when you make a mistake instead of blaming someone else, where people will tend to tolerance when to recognize a mistake, and Laugh to minor errors that might be committed.
4) showed positive for others opinions about them honestly.
5) Be honest says, when you ask for your opinion on the subject, through what you feel really avoid telling him things wants to hear, as a true expression of yourself reduces the likelihood of misunderstanding in personal relationships.
6) Be sure to compliment someone when they are really concern them and avoid flattery on people just to take advantage of them in the future.
7) Look for ways to help others, pseudo non People who care about others are looking for ways even though they are simple to make others happy, Helping others will give you a good feeling inside you that others also will become a source of happiness and a part of their lives.
8) Avoid lying to make friends.
9) Avoid invitations to events not love her in the first place, for example, if your friends invited you to a football match and you see boring not accept the invitation in a polite way.
10) participated in the activities you enjoy, where you will meet who share those activities or hobbies in which you are interested.
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